Monday, August 13, 2012


I need a motivational lecture. This has been a weekend of sloth. It satrted at 5 pm on Friday and has continued into Monday morning.

I do not want to list the upmteen number of junk foods I've consumed in the past 72 hours as I do not want to take you down with me.

But please somebody give me some direction and pull me back on track! This weight loss attempt isn't pointless right? Right?


  1. I am with you on the same boat. I fell off the wagon over the weekend - not even fall I literally leaped out of it. Even heroes failed sometimes but it depends on whether you can get up, dust yourself and sweat it out once more. Stop thinking of food and snacking as a time filler. If you find yourself bored and with nothing to do then you reach out for that bag of chips. I guess I wont say don't eat but I would say try to walk it off. That ten min walk till the end of the road and don't take money with you. I hope this helps cause I am planning to do the same... :-/

  2. Okay good plan..

    I guess when you're in re-hab it takes more will power to stick to the game plan but we can do this!

  3. Will power is right. For me, I'll never forget the day I went to the trial room and saw myself in the mirror. I have never hated myself more. I was a picture of greed, a glutton and a lazy name for a body. Every time I think of food that I don't need, I think of the disastrous turn my body will take. I promised myself never again.

    All you have to do is tell yourself the same thing. Never again. Please eat. Indulging once in a while is great. But not when it becomes a habit. Only then will we come to cherish the yumminess so much more.

    All the best. Don't let great food tempt your resolve.
