Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Carrot & Stick!

The weightloss battle is one of the hardest we will ever wage in our lives. This is also the longest battle we will fight - for the rest of our lives! Lets face it...after 25 we put on a kg naturally every year and its harder and harder to keep the metabolism up.

Why do we need to fight this battle - to be healthy, to build discipline and will power, to have more stamina and be able to pursue activities we love (treking, dancing etc), to look our best and to have control. Its the one thing we can control and that brings a great deal of self satisfaction.

Why did I name this post Carrot and stick? Well we're all motivated differently - some by the carrot and some by the proverbial stick. But for those who are motivated by the carrot, this weight loss battle is one hard uphill climb initially because the first results are slow to come by and hard to hold onto.

However, I promise you, if you stick to it, you'll beat the plateau and love what you are trying to achieve and why. Please do stick to it. It might seem at various points that you lose a little and it comes back on. Remember weight fluctuates on a daily basis and if you lost that 1 it is on the verge of disappearing forever. Just stay committed for the next couple of days and you'll come away a winner.

Overall, I think enjoying a healthy balanced lifestyle is important but lets not give up on our goals because they seem a little tedious. If thousands around us can do it - SO CAN WE.

Monday, September 17, 2012

I have a serious heel pain. It is right now restricting free movement. Plus my job requires me to be on my feet for at least 3 hours a day and it is killing me. If you know any remedy, quick and hassle free preferably, please let me know. I have not even been working out; so have no clue what is causing it.


So, after giving full gyaan about figuring out the best cardio workout for me I started to feel a growing pain in my feet. My heels couldn't take anymore impact and as I squeezed a near one hour workout in the afternoon I gave myself no time to stretch, which I realized is time consuming but your best bet against injuries at the gym. I did an express stretch of merely five minutes which in itself was bad cause I was hurrying the process. I learned three lessons from my injury and reading alot on the internet.

Lesson 1: Stretch

Positively before and after your cardio work outs. If you have never done stretches ask the physio therapist or instructor at the gym. Get it right and you will have a fun filled exercise life. Especially calf muscles, the back and ankles to hold that whole body up when you are pounding on that treadmill.

Lesson 2: Rest

With two of us injured sitting in London, we can only tell you stop when you are injured. Importantly, the feet or heel. Give your feet rest and time to recover but don't let go of other kind of exercises. If you are not used to strenuous exercise build slowly (although you might want to jump steps like I did). Figure out what your body is telling you. If you do weights your muscles will scream in pain the next day -- that is not injury. Rem the 48 hour rest period -- Alternate the cardio and strengthening workouts cause your muscles need to rest before they can jump back up. So five days of continuous full on cardio workouts may work against you (I should have known this but cause I don't like weights I just thought it would be alright)

Lesson 3: Water

And a lot of it. Apparently drinking at least 3 litres of water is good when you are exercising. Swimming - one of the best exercises for form, fitness and if you have feet injury. Steam or using the sauna can also detoxify.

I am not claiming I do all of this but I don't want you all following the same rabbit hole and this is sort of a form of rant so that I realize what I am not doing right and what I should be doing.

And, Idlis are God's Gift to mankind! 

Speak now or forever be silent

     Hey guys, if no objection I would like to open our blog to general viewers so that we may get more comments or viewership... your friends might wanna see it and get pumped up reading it. It is a bit personal so let me know if you are ABSOLUTELY against it. :-)

Friday, September 7, 2012


     So, after all this excitement about running and zumba classes I have realized that my fitness level is below plunge. Yes, that's right! I just came up with a new low. My heels have begun to hurt because of high impact while walking and jumping around in the zumba class.
     I have already stopped running and substituted it with elliptical (with this my posture and back some how feels uneasy) and cycling (my bum hurts after sitting for too long and sitting at the desk for the whole day).
     I have already started grumbling about the E&C workouts so my plan is to do two weeks of yoga. Although it will not be high cardio workout it will at least make me flexible? waaiiill! Will keep you posted about it.

     Till then check this out -- http://www.yoganu.com/

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

On Loop

Keep repeating this to yourself. It worked for me. For the two months that my mom was here I used to hit the gym in the afternoon, which was after coaxing my boss to give me an extra fifteen min for lunch so that I could shower and get back to work (didn't want a stinker sitting next to him ;-) But now after my mom left everytime I don't step out at 1PM I get jittery like I haven't done something that I am supposed to. Although I hate routines and I am guilty of not really falling into the exercise routine the fact that I am even thinking of it is a huge step for me.
     So think, repeat and do. Let's go girls! Anyone doing anything???

Monday, September 3, 2012

Congratulations Pavithra.  It is the most crucial time, so don’t let go and gain that entire weight back girl. Get a grip n picture that gorgeous curve you are going to have on D-day.
I hope all you girls get this. I think it is my maiden blog post! I have only put on weight since this blog. I can think of nothing but food of late. Plus all those cook shows on TV! Not helping my cause. Sigh!!!!



Use this website to find out how much calories you need to cut and keep a tight leash on it. Every product maker needs to give you the calorie break up on the packet so look at it before buying.
     For example today, I picked up an egg sandwich thinking I should eat proteins for breakfast (Tick check box) but what I failed to realize was that Mayo was the topping (Cross check box), which in the end had given me double the calories than what I expected I would get.
     Sometimes, we assume what we eat is healthy but it is not. Worth taking a double look before buying.
     If you don't want that Dorritos packet giving you the inviting, seductive look then stop buying it. - Read it in some article in a random website and paraphrased it.
     Be consistent. For at least the next 6 months, eating healthy should become a lifestyle not an one-off event. That means not eating over the weekend. You hold back on the calories through the week and plunge into an eat-all-you-can buffet then you gain all the calories you lost over the last five days. It is just counter productive. I realized that is what I am doing and I am going to phase it out of my life.
     This is more of a ramble to myself than telling you guys what to do. But it helps penning it down. Also bought a book for myself and started to note down what I ate and how I felt afterwards, if at all I had any emotion about it.


Hey Ladies,

I don't know you from adam and the only person who I know and is a close dear friend is Anu. However, through these years of blogging...I do feel like you are friends...people I understand and relate to. And this blog you are also the sisterhood - you're fighting the same battle with the same tools and it's awesome!

Right now, I need help. I really do. I'm panicking and I have no idea where to start for all the lectures I've been giving you girls!

To break the news, I'm getting engaged in Nov and married in April next year. I have 7 months to look great and get fit. However, while this should be a great motivating factor for most women, I am only eating more and lazing about more. In other words leaping these two milestones I just mentioned and officially looking 4 months pregnant!!

What do I do? And how do I do it? Please help!The problem is, that no matter how hard I try to diet and be healthy I seem to falter every 3-4 days and I have seen no results in the last one month. This is highly de-motivating and I don't know how to break the cycle, see some result and find a motivation to keep going long term.

Tips, tricks, philosophy...anything you can give me to set me on the path will be much appreciated.
