Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Zumba zumba ho ho

Went for 45 minute zumba session. Marco, our zumba instructor, asked us "who are all going to finish this class and get back to sitting on your desks?" A couple of us put our hands up. He replies "No, you are not going to be able to sit after I am done with this song" My ass hurts!

But dancing is one of the best, fun ways of exercising :-) and after two months of pain in the ass Marco - I am loving it.. :)


  1. Haven't been to Zumba yet...but the word is damn exciting...something animalistic about it! I can see the twinkle in your eyes nunie! ;-)

  2. I want to try it out too. I love cycling, and was wondering if I could somehow find a group here. It's all lame. But Zumba sounds super exciting. Zumba is more exciting or Marco? ;)
